The Laws of Revival by James Burns


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Scanning the horizon of our surroundings nationally and globally can be a dreary task. I have questions, concerns, and frustrations as a pastor, a husband, a father, and grandfather.
What of the current trends morally, financially, diplomatically, militarily and spiritually? Where are we headed, and how rapidly will we arrive? Yet, when I lift my eyes from the horizontal to the vertical, I find great hope. Hope that the God of revival might once again, at this troubled hour, open the windows of heaven and pour upon us afresh the person of His Holy Spirit to convict, to renew, to empower, and to revive His church once again.
Remembering that other than the blessed hope, God-given revival is now and always has been the only hope for God’s church. It is with this in mind that we commit to print again this little book that you are holding in your hands.
May it stir an attitude of expectation in our hearts. May we pay with David once again:
‘Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you will revive me.’ (Psalm 138:7, NKJV)

-Pastor Joe Focht


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